The Honorable Minister of Peace, Mr. Bnalf Andualem, received Mrs. Ahuna Eziakonwa

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On February 13, 2015 (Ministry of Peace), the Honorable Minister of Peace, Mr. Bnalf Andualem, received Mrs. Ahuna Eziakonwa, the Head of the African Office of the United Nations Development Program, in his office.


They discussed the implementation of the overall peace agreement and they held a discussion focused on strengthening the relationship on the peace building process and working together on the effectiveness of the work of the recently established National Reconstruction Commission.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the peace building process and for disarmament to be carried out by the National Reconstruction Commission; recovery Mrs. Ahuna Eziakonwa confirmed their partnership to work together on reconstruction and resettlement activities.

The Honorable Ato Bnalf Andualem, the Minister of the Ministry of Peace expressed his gratitude for the support and cooperation.