Discussions Held with International Development Partners

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Ministry of Peace, held a discussion with international development partners on conflict prevention, transitioning conflict prone areas to sustainable peace and development; and Youth National Voluntary Service for Peace" projects on Jun 3, 2024.

The discussion is focused on issues related to the next 10-year sustainable peace building program that formulated by the Ministry of Peace and on the role of international partners in various projects arising from the grand sustainable peace building proposal.

The State Minister of Peace Building and National Consensus of the Ministry of Peace, Keiredin Tezera (Dr.) indicated that the government of Ethiopia is committed to solve peace problems in Ethiopia and building a lasting positive peace. He mentioned that the works being done to solve problems by using Ethiopian's multi culture, religion, landscape, language and diversities; and it require the cooperation and support of the international community. And he called on them to provide the necessary financial and technical supports.

Ato Cherugeta Genene, the State Minister of for Federalism and Conflict Management, explained the work of strengthening people-to-people integrations that is being done in all regions to resolve conflicts, resettle internally displaced people (IDP) and return them to their villages. Ato Cherugeta pointed out that the activities being done to provide solutions to internally displaced people; and to prevent and cease the problem from the source.

The representatives; Word Bank, USAID, EU, IOM, UNDP, WFP, European Investment Bank, Norway Embassy, Embassy of Ireland, Embassy of Canada, British Embassy, Danish Embassy, UN Special Envoy for HOA, and Kingdom of the Netherland indicated that the opportunity helped them to know the Ministry, the Ministry’s activities carried out by the ministry, and to understand closely the government's initiative to build positive peace.