The formation of a forum for monitoring the ethics of the peace sector was held

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 On March 11, 2024 (Ministry of Peace), the Ministry of Peace, along with the peace and security management ethical monitoring units of all regions and city administrations in the peace sector, "Formation of Peace Sector Ethical Monitoring Units Forum" was held.

At the formation forum, Mr. Mengstu Abera, Executive Director of Ethics and Anti-corruption of the Ministry of Peace, presented the "Organization and Procedure Manual of the Ministry of Peace's Peace Sector Ethics Monitoring Units Forum".

Ato Mengstu said that the purpose of the forum is to create connections and cooperation between the peace and security administration's ethics monitoring units in the peace sector to enable them to exchange information on ethics building and corruption prevention; He explained that the aim is to exchange good practices and practices in the field of ethics building and corruption prevention and to ensure that the body leading the sector has sufficient information to make institutional decisions.

The participants who attended the formation discussion raised their ideas and questions on the presented document and discussed and were given a summary from the platform.

Finally, the formation of the forum was done.