Today, January 26/2024, Minister of peace state minister for Peace Building and National consensus, honorable Dr. Kairedin Tezera, received and spoke to H.E. Dr. Khalifa Mubarak Al Dhaheri Chancellor of Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities, and his delegation.

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In their discussion, the Ministry of Peace and Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities discussed the activities that should be done together.

 Honorable Dr. Kairedin Tezera explained to the delegation in detail the activities that the Ministry of Peace is doing to ensure lasting peace and strengthen national consensus. He said  that Ethiopia is a country with a long history and a diverse identity.

Dr. Khalifa Mubarak Al Dhaheri Chancellor of Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities, and his delegatio thanked for the warm welcome they received  and said that their country has learned various experiences from Ethiopia.

Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities was established as part of the UAE leadership’s vision to provide world-class higher education that will produce outstanding graduates who will help advance the country’s development goals and contribute significantly to the progress of human society.